The Passive Wing Deployment of Beetles Inspires New Flapping Microrobots

The Passive Wing Deployment of Beetles Inspires New Flapping Microrobots

The wing dynamics of flying animal species have long been studied to inspire the development of new flying robotic systems. While birds and bats use their pectoral and wing muscles to flap their wings, the mechanisms behind the wing movements of many insects, such as rhinoceros beetles, have remained poorly understood. Researchers at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) and Konkuk University (South Korea) set out to explore how these beetles deploy and retract their wings.

The hindwings of beetles have been described as foldable origami structures that can be neatly folded and stowed under the elytra while at rest, and then passively deployed during flight. Previous studies have focused on replicating the dynamics of beetle wings in robots using origami-like structures, without delving into the movements at the base of the hindwings. The research by Hoang-Vu Phan and his colleagues aimed to understand the passive mechanisms behind beetle wing deployment.

Through their studies, Phan observed that rhinoceros beetles use their elytra and flapping forces to passively deploy their hindwings for flight without the use of active muscles. Inspired by these findings, the researchers developed a new flapping microrobot that can fold its wings along its body at rest and passively deploy its wings to take off and maintain stable flight. This microrobot, weighing 18 grams and approximately twice the size of an actual beetle, was designed with elastic tendons that enable passive wing deployment.

The insights gained from studying beetle wing deployment have paved the way for new applications of flapping microrobots. These robots with foldable wings could be used for search and rescue missions in confined spaces where humans cannot access. The ability of the microrobot to fly into narrow spaces, land, and perch on surfaces, and switch between flight and crawling modes opens up new possibilities for exploration and research.

Phan and his colleagues have conducted preliminary tests on their flapping microrobot, yielding promising results. Future studies aim to further improve the design and test the microrobot in various real-world scenarios to validate its potential. Additionally, there is interest in exploring whether other insects, such as tiny flies, utilize similar passive strategies for wing deployment in situations where muscle availability is limited.

The passive wing deployment mechanisms of beetles have inspired the development of innovative flapping microrobots with a wide range of potential applications. By mimicking nature’s design, researchers are unlocking new possibilities for search and rescue missions, biomechanical studies, and even educational purposes. The future of flapping microrobots holds great promise for advancing both robotics and our understanding of insect flight dynamics.


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